ICT Class 6 Ch 4 Basics of Internet Important Notes

ICT Class 6 Ch 4 Basics of Internet Important Notes ICT Class 6 Ch 4 Basics of Internet Important Notes. Definition of Internet: Internet आपस में जुडे हुए Computer का जाल है, Internet से तमाम तरह की जानकारी कम समय Read More …

ICT Class 6 Data Representation And Processing Spreadsheet Important Notes

ICT Class 6 Data Representation And Processing Spreadsheet chapter 2 ICT Class 6 Data Representation And Processing Spreadsheet Important Notes chapter 2 – ICT Class 6 Chapter 1 according to new curriculum. We will learn – Data और उसके प्रकार Read More …

ICT Class 7 Ch 5 Software Applications Important Questions(Exercise)

ICT Class 7Ch 5 Software Applications Important Questions(Exercise) True/False a. IT और ICT एक ही concept के दो नाम हैं। Answer: Falseb. जब हम multidisciplinary approach अपनाते हैं तो हम Multi Subject अध्ययन करते हैं। Answer: Truec. GeoGebra केवल Geometry Read More …

ICT Class 7 Ch 5 PheT Tool important notes

ICT Class 7 Ch 5 PheT Tool important notes ICT Class 7 Ch 5 PheT Tool important notes PheT: PheT एक बहत ही interesting simulation tool ह। किसी वास्तविक चीज़, प्रक्रम (Process) या कार्यकलाप (activity) को किसी अन्य विधि से Read More …

How to convert Speech to text , Handwritten text to Editable text and Artificial Intelligence Activities

Artificial Intelligence Activities How to convert Speech to text , Handwritten text to Editable text and Artificial Intelligence Activities : Here we will perform some Artificial Intelligence Activities such as convert Speech to Text , convert Handwritten text to Editable Read More …