World Press Freedom Day 2023 – 3 May 2023

World Press Freedom Day 2023  – 3 May 2023

World Press Freedom Day is observed globally on 3rd May every year. It is also known as World Press Day.

World Press Freedom Day 2023: It is observed on May 3 to celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom, and to defend the media from attacks on their independence.

World Press Freedom Day is also known as World Press Day. The day also pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. It is announced by the United Nations General Assembly on May 3rd  to spread awareness about the importance of Freedom of the Press in functioning, information providing, its significance and to awaken the government of its duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression.

World Press Freedom Day 2023 – theme  for the Day will be “Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights”, signifying the enabling element of freedom of expression to enjoy and protect all other human rights.

World Press Freedom Day 2023, UNESCO will organize a special anniversary event at UN headquarters in New York, marking the 30 years since the UN General Assembly’s decision proclaiming an international day for press freedom

History and Significance of World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference. Since then, 3 May, the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek is celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day.

World Press Freedom Day – The day was created to raise awareness about the importance of press freedom and to highlight the challenges faced by journalists worldwide in carrying out their duties.

May 3 acts as a reminder to governments of the need to respect their commitment to press freedom. It is also a day of reflection among media professionals about issues of press freedom and professional ethics. It is an opportunity to:

  • celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom;
  • assess the state of press freedom throughout the world;
  • defend the media from attacks on their independence;
  • and pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

World Press Freedom Day FAQs

Q.1 Why is press freedom Day celebrated?

Ans -The World Press Freedom Day is celebrated on May 3 every year to remember the journalists who lost their lives in the line of duty, trying to give a voice to the people.

Q.2 Where is World Press Freedom Day?

Ans -World Press Freedom Day is observed annually on 3 May. Its main celebration is organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Q. 3 Who Organized World Press Freedom Day?

Ans – On World Press Freedom Day 2023, UNESCO will organize a special anniversary event at UN headquarters in New York, marking the 30 years since the UN General Assembly’s decision proclaiming an international day for press freedom.

Q.4 – What is the theme of press freedom Day?

Ans – Celebrated every 3rd of May, theme for the Day for 2023 will be “Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights” , signifying the enabling element of freedom of expression to enjoy and protect all other human rights.

Q.5 Who started National Press Day in India?

Ans- It was first set up in 1966 under the Indian Press Council Act, 1965, on the recommendations of the first Press Commission, with the two-fold objective of preserving the freedom of the press by maintaining and improving the standards of newspapers and the news agencies in India.

Q. 6 When was the first national press day?

Ans –November 16 therefore personifies a responsible and free press in the country.

Q. 7 – What is the history of World Press Day?

World Press Freedom Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993, following a recommendation by UNESCO’s General Conference. The day was created to raise awareness about the importance of press freedom and to highlight the challenges faced by journalists worldwide in carrying out their duties

Q. 8 -Is freedom of press in India?

Ans – The constitution of India protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Q. 9 -Who is the father of freedom of press in India?

Ans – James Augustus Hicky, referred as “father of Indian press”, a British citizen known for introducing first newspaper during the reign, and hence India’s press foundation was originally led by the British administration despite the self-censorship by the imperialism.

Q. 10 Which is the first Indian Press?

Ans – Hicky’s Bengal Gazette ,The Bengal Gazette, an Anglo-Indian newspaper

Q. 11 What is National press Day of India?

Ans – National Press Day – the 16th of November – is symbolic of a free and responsible press in India

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