UNIT-3 MULTIMEDIA DESIGN – GIMP important points

UNIT-3 MULTIMEDIA DESIGN – GIMP important points


Important Points to Learn:

● GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program.
● It is a freely distributed, versatile image manipulation software package with a customizable interface.
● It has support for multiple platforms including Windows and Linux.
● It supports various file formats including .gif, .jpeg, .png, .tiff etc.
● It is a full suite of painting tools including a variety of brushes, pencil etc.
● It has selection tools (Rectangle, Eclipse, free lasso, fuzzy etc., for selecting portions of an image.
● It has transformations tools like rotate, flip, scale and shear.
● It has support for high-quality antialiasing.
● It also supports a variety of Filters for image enhancement or modification in appearance.

● It has full Alpha Channel Support.
● It has the functionality of Layers and Channels.
● It has the functionality of masking of images.
● It also has Plug-ins for easy addition of new file formats, filters and scripting capabilities.

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