Class 11 Employability skills Unit 1 Session 2 : Verbal Communication
Class 11 Employability skills Unit 1 Session 2 : Verbal Communication – Employability skills can be defined as those soft skills which employers look for in a potential employee. These skills equip the employees to carry out their role to the best of their ability and client satisfaction. For example, the ability to explain what you mean in a clear and concise way through
written and spoken means, helps to build a better relationship with the client or the customer.
Here we will study about communication skills which is session 2 : Verbal Communication of unit 1 according to latest syllabus as per CBSE.
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Class 11 Employability skills —Unit 1: Communication Skills
Session 2: Verbal Communication
Verbal communication is the sharing of information using words. Verbal communication is important because if you do not use the right words, you will cause confusion and you will not be able to communicate what you want.
Types Of Verbal Communication
Advantages of Verbal Communication
It is easy and quick. It is an easier form of communication when you have to exchange ideas.
Disadvantages of Verbal Communication
Since verbal communication depends on words, sometimes the meanings become confusing and difficult to understand if the right words are not used.
Public Speaking
Speaking in front of a large group makes most people nervous. You can use the 3Ps (Prepare, Practice, Perform) method to get over your fears, and become a confident and effective speaker.
3Ps are —
Prepare — Think about your topic
Think about what your listeners need to know about the topic
Think about the best way to make your listeners understand your topic
Write what you plan to say
Practice —- Practice by yourself first. Talk in front of a mirror
Talk in front of your family and friends and ask them what they think
Speak clearly, loudly and at the right speed (not very fast nor very slow)
Perform — Take a few deep breaths if you are feeling nervous
Think about what you have prepared and start speaking confidently
Class 11 Employability skills Unit 1 Session 2 : Exercise Solution
A. Multiple choice questions
Read carefully all the options given below the question and choose the correct option(s)
- Choose the correct example of oral communication.
(a) Reports
(b) Newspapers
(c) Face-to-face interaction
(d) Notes
Answer : (c) Face-to-face interaction
2. What are the words we should use when we communicate verbally?
(a) Use straight words
(b) Use simple words
(c) Use precise words
(d) Use fixed words
Answer : (b) Use simple words
3. Why do we send emails?
(a) To communicate information
(b) To share documents and files
(c) To talk to each other
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer : (d) Both (a) and (b)
B. Subjective question
- Write down the different types of verbal communication with examples of each.
Answer : Different types of verbal communication are –
a) Oral or Spoken Communication: Communication which involves talking.
Examples – group discussion, talking to family members at home , Talking on a phone etc.
b) Written Communication: Communication which involves written or typed words
Examples — Writing on paper: letters, notes, etc. , Using email to share news, thoughts, documents and files , Books and Newspaper etc.
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