CBSE Class 10 IT 402 Employability Skills Book and Important Notes

CBSE Class 10 IT 402 Employability Skills Book and Important Notes

CBSE Class 10 IT 402 Employability Skills Book and Important Notes – Here we will cover Employability skills for class 10 as per CBSE syllabus.This ‘Employability Skills’ covers communication, self-management, information and communication technology, entrepreneurial and green skills. It has been developed as per the learning outcome based curriculum. The employability skills are embedded in the Qualification Packs of the different job roles in various sectors under the National Skill Qualification Framework.

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CBSE Class 10 IT 402 Employability Skills Book

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CBSE Class 10 IT 402 Employability Skills Notes

Unit 1 Communication Skills

Session 1 Methods of Communication

Session 2 Verbal Communication

Session 3 Non-verbal Communication

Session 4 Communication Cycle and Importance of Feedback

Session 5 Barriers to Effective Communication

Session 6 Writing Skills — Parts of Speech

Session 7 Writing Skills — Sentences

Unit 2 Self-management Skills

Session 1 Stress Management

Session 2 Self-awareness — Strength and Weakness Analysis

Session 3 Self-motivation

Session 4 Self-regulation — Goal Setting

Session 5 Self-regulation — Time Management

Unit 3 Information and Communication Technology Skills

Session 1 Basic Computer Operations

Session 2 Performing Basic File Operations

Session 3 Computer Care and Maintenance

Session 4 Computer Security and Privacy

Unit 4 Entrepreneurial Skills

Session 1 Entrepreneurship and Society

Session 2 Qualities and Functions of an Entrepreneur

Session 3 Myths about Entrepreneurship

Unit 5 Green Skills

Session 1 Sustainable Development

Session 2 Our Role in Sustainable Development

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