ICT / CA Class 6 Chapter 3 Data Representation and Processing Important Notes

Computer Applications Class 6 Chapter 3 NOTES ICT Class 6 Chapter 3 Data Representation and Processing Important Notes – Here we will cover important notes of word precessor. For other notes of class 6 CLICK HERE. Data Representation and Processing-02 Read More …

How to download and Install Open Office – easy step wise guide

How to download and Install Open Office – easy step wise guide ओपन ऑफिस Open Source Application Suite है जिसमें हम वर्ड प्रोसेसिगं , स्प्रैडशीट और प्रेजेंटेशन आदि बनाने का काम कर सकत े हैं। इसे हम इंटरनेट की सहायता Read More …

ICT Class 6 Ch 5 Learn to Code Exercise Solution – Important

ICT Class 6 Ch 5 Learn to Code Exercise Solution – Important I. MCQ बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न ( Choose the correct answer) — 1.Computer programming में flowchart क्यों प्रयोग होता है?a. प्रतीकात्मक रूप से algorithm को दर्शाने के लिएb. Program लिखने Read More …

ICT Class 6 Chapter 3 Exercise Important Question – Answer

ICT Class 6 Chapter 3 Exercise Question – Answer Data Representation and Processing-02 (Word Processing) ICT Class 6 Chapter 3 Data Representation and Processing-02 (Word Processing) Exercise Question – Answer – In this page we will cover exercise of chapter Read More …

ICT Class 6 Chapter 6 Being Future Ready – Important Points to Remember

ICT Class 6 Chapter 6 Being Future Ready Important Points to Remember ICT Class 6 Chapter 6 Being Future Ready – Important Points to Remember . For notes / exercise of chapter 1 to 5 Click Here. 1. Immersive Technologies Read More …


IMPORTANT QUESTIONS COMPUTER APPLICATION CLASS 6 I. Choose the correct answer (बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न)       Q.1 हम अपने मित्रों से संपर्क निम्नलिखित में से किस प्रकार से कर सकते हैं-a. ईमेल             b. चैटिंग                          c. वीडियो कॉन् फ्रेंसिगं                          d. तीनों उपाय Q.2 कीबोर्ड Read More …

ICT Class 6 Data Representation And Processing Spreadsheet Important Notes

ICT Class 6 Data Representation And Processing Spreadsheet chapter 2 ICT Class 6 Data Representation And Processing Spreadsheet Important Notes chapter 2 – ICT Class 6 Chapter 1 according to new curriculum. We will learn – Data और उसके प्रकार Read More …

ICT Class 6 Data Representation and Processing (Spreadsheet) Exercise with solution

ICT Class 6 Data Representation and Processing (Spreadsheet) Exercise with solution ICT Class 6 Data Representation and Processing (Spreadsheet) Exercise with solution –ICT Class 6 CH- 2 Data Representation and Processing-01 (SpreadSheet) Exercise solution -Here we will discuss excersise of Read More …