HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus – To Score High and avoid mistakes in exams – Download Syllabus And Notes For Free

HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus – To Score High and avoid mistakes in exams – Download Syllabus And Notes For Free

HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus –Here in this page HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus is given. You can note it down to Score High and avoid mistakes in exams. Download Syllabus And Notes For Free from this page for class 9. you will also get exam pattern of HBSE Class 9 Computer Science.

HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus and Exam pattern in Hindi Medium

Unit Wise Syllabus of HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus in Hindi Medium

CLICK HERE TO Download complete syllabus and pattern of exam of Haryana Board HBSE class 9 Computer Science as released by Haryana Board for the year 2023-24.

HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus and Exam pattern in English Medium

Syllabus and Chapter wise division of Marks (2023-24)
Class- 9 Subject: Computer Science Code:906
General Instructions:

  1. There will be an Annual Examination based on the entire syllabus.
  2. The Annual Examination will be of 40 marks, Practical Examination will be of 20 marks and 20 marks weightage shall be for Internal Assessment.
  3. For Internal Assessment:
    There will be Periodic Assessment that would include:
    i) For 6 marks- Three SAT exams will be conducted and will have a weightage of 06 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
    ii) For 2 marks- One half yearly exam will be conducted and will have a weightage of 02 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
    iii) For 2 marks- Subject teacher will assess and give maximum 02 marks for CRP (Class Room Participation).
    iv) For 5 marks- A project work to be done by students and will have a weightage of 05 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
    vi) For 5 marks- Attendance of student will be awarded 05 marks as:
    Above 75% to 80% – 01 marks
    Above80% to 85% – 02 marks
    Above85% to 90% – 03 marks
    Above90% to 95% – 04 marks
    Above 95% – 05 marks

HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus Course Structure (2023-24)

Class- 9 Subject: Computer Science Code: 906

Sr. NoUNITMarks
1Computer System10
2Computer Software05
3Word Processor(MS Word)10
4Spreadsheet (MS Excel)10
5Presentation Software (MS Powerpoint)05
HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus

Scheme for Practical Examination

1Windows Operating system5
2Word Processor(MS Word)10
3Spreadsheet (MS Excel)10
4Presentation Software (MS Powerpoint)5
5Report File: Containg 4 documents each with MS Word ,
Excel and Powerpoint
HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus

HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus -Detailed Syllabus(2023-24)

Class- 9 Subject: Computer Science Code: 906

Unit I:Computer System

Introduction to Computer: History of computer, Generations of Computer, Definition of Computer, Characteristics of Computer(advantages and limitations), Block Diagram and Components of a Computer System- CPU(ALU & CU), Memory, I/O unit Applications of Computer, Types of Computers.
Input/output Devices: Input devices:Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, OCR, MICR,Light Pen, Bar code Reader, OMR, Track Ball,Microphone.
Output Devices: Monitor, Speaker, Projector, Plotter, Printer and its type. Computer Memory: Definition of computer memory, Units of Memory, Types of Memory, Primary
Memory: RAM and ROM ,Secondary Memory: Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, CD, BRD, DVD, Pen drive, Memory Card.

Unit II: Computer Software

Classification of software: system software(Operating system, Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler)Application Software, Utility Software. MS window 2010: Desktop, Taskbar, Icons, This PC, Recycle Bin, Taskbar,File Explorer,Edge Browser,Steps to Create New File/ Folder, Steps to delete File/Folder ,Steps to restore File/Folder , Steps to Rename File/Folder, Cut ,Copy ,Paste, Themes and background.

Unit III: MS-Word 2010

Introduction to MS Word: word Processor, MS Word Window components,
creating and saving a document Formatting in MS Word :Font Size, Font Style (B, I, U) , Font Type, Font Colour, Setting font effects, Paragraph Alignment, Setting Indents , Borders and Shading,Bulleted and Numbered list Inserting symbols, Shapes, ClipArt, word Art, Headers and Footers, Page Number and tables. Spelling and Grammar, Find and Replace, Page Setup, Print Preview, Printing a document.

Unit IV: MS-Excel2010

Introduction to MS Excel: Spreadsheet, MS Excel Window components, workbook, worksheet, cell, cell Address, Cell pointer, Active cell, range of cells, Creating and saving a worksheet. Enter numbers, text, formulae and Date/Time, Editing and formatting worksheet, insert and delete cells, rows and columns.
Charts:Definition of chart,embedded charts and chartsheet,Types ofcharts,components of chart,creating chart in MS Excel,Printing worksheet/Charts.
Functions: Sum(),Average(),Max(),Min(), Count( ).

Unit V: MS Power-Point2010

Introduction to Power-Point:Presentation software, MS PowerPoint Window components, Basic elements of a slide,Creating and saving a Presentation,
Different types of slide layouts, Different views of a slide: normal (outline view and slide view), slide sorter view, Slide Show view.
Formatting a slide : Changing slide design and slide layout , Changing colour
schemes,Changing Slide Background Inserting ClipArt, Pictures, Shapes, Headers /Footers and slide numbers. Adding Animations Schemes and sound effects, Creating and viewing a slide show.

3 thoughts on “HBSE Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus – To Score High and avoid mistakes in exams – Download Syllabus And Notes For Free”

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