Class 11 Employability skills Unit 1 Session 3 : Non – Verbal Communication

Class 11 Employability skills Unit 1 Session 3 : Non – Verbal Communication

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Class 11 Employability skills —Unit 1: Communication Skills

Session 3 : Non – Verbal Communication

Methods of Communication

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-Verbal Communication: Exchanging Information without Words.

a) Hand movements (gestures) and body language

  • Raising a hand to greet
  • Pointing your finger in anger

b) Expressions

• Smiling to show happiness

  • Making a sad face when you are upset

Types of Non-verbal Communication

1.Facial Expression –

Our expressions show our feelings: Happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, etc.

2.Posture –

Postures are positions of the body. They show our confidence and feelings.

3. Gestures or Body Language –


5. Space

6. Eye Contact

The way we look at someone can communicate things, such as interest or anger. Eye contact is when two people are looking directly into one another’s eyes. It shows that we are paying attention to the person. Looking away can make the other person feel ignored.

Look at the person who is speaking

  • Keep a relaxed, pleasant look.
  • Break the look every few seconds

Paralanguage means how we speak. The tone of our voice, speed and volume can make a difference in the meaning we want to show. Speaking too fast may show happiness, excitement or nervousness. Speaking too slow may show seriousness or sadness.

How to use effectively?

Use a proper tone and volume while speaking

  • Maintain a moderate rate(speed) of talking

Visual Communication

Examples of Visual Communication

Class 11 Employability skills Unit 1 Session 3 : Exercise Solution

A. Multiple choice questions

Read carefully all the options given below the question and choose the correct option(s).

1. Which of these is a positive (good) facial expression?
(a) Staring hard
(b) Nodding while listening
(c) Wrinkled forehead
(d) Looking away from the speaker
2.What does an upright (straight) body posture convey or show?
(a) Shyness
(b) Fear
(c) Confidence
(d) Intelligence
3. Which of these is not an appropriate non-verbal communication at work?
(a) Putting arm around a coworker’s shoulder
(b) Shaking hands firmly
(c) Looking at the speaker with a smile
(d) Standing with an upright posture
4. When you are preparing for a presentation, you should
(a) focus on the message
(b) practice hand gestures
(c) try different speaking techniques
(d) All of the above

B. Now let’s have a recap of what you have understood by non-verbal communication. Put a X mark against the actions below which are bad for non-verbal communication

  • Laughing during formal communication
  • Scratching head
  • Smiling while speaking to a friend
  • Nodding when you agree with something.
  • Standing straight
  • Yawning while listening
  • Sitting straight
  • Maintaining eye contact while speaking
  • Biting nails
  • Firm handshake
  • Clenching jaws
  • Looking away when someone is speaking to you
  • Intense stare

C. Subjective question

  1. Draw any two common signs used for visual communication.

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