Important MCQ of Human Geography: Nature and Scope

Important MCQ of Human Geography: Nature and Scope

Unit I: Human Geography: Nature and Scope

Q1. Who coined the term neo-determinism?

a. Griffith Taylor

b. Ratzel

c. Blache

d. Christaller

Q.2 Which approach of Human Geography was followed in colonial period?

a. Areal differentiation

b. Spatial organization

c. Behavioural

d. Regional

Q.3 The most important factor in the interaction between people and environment

a. Human intelligence

b. Technology

c. People ‘s perception

d. Human brotherhood

Q.4 ‘Nomothetic’ refers
a. Law making
b. Theorising
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these

Q.5 Idiographic’ denotes
a. Law making
b. Theorising
c. Description
d. All of these

Q.6 Who gave the concept of ‘stop and go determinism’?
a. Griffith Taylor
b. Ratzel
c. E.C Semple
d. Vidal de la Blache

7..Which of the following is not a sub field of social geography
a. Medical geography
b. Historical geography
c. Cultural geography
d. Military geography

Q. 8 In which period quantitative thought became popular in geographical studies?
a. 1850
b. 1920
c. 1900
d. Late 1950s

Q.10.Which school of thought is mainly concerned with social well being of people
a. Radical
b. Behavioral
c. Welfare
d. Possibilism

Q.11.Stop and go determinism is also known as
a. Possibilism
b. Determinism
c. Neo determinism
d. None of the above

Q.12.Which of the following is a sub field of economic geography?
a. Geography of leisure
b. Military geography
c. Historical geography
d. Geography of agriculture

Q.13.The study of inter relationship between human and environment is
a. History
b. Human Geography
c. Economics
d. Political science

Q.14 .Who is considered the father of human geography?
a. Eratosthenes
b. Ratzel
c. E.C. Semple
d. Vidal de la Blache

Q.15 .The idea that all the regions were a part of whole i.e., the earth is under which approaches
a. Spatial organization
b. Emergency of humanistic
c. Areal differentiation
d. Regional analysis

Q.16 .Naturalisation of humans means
a. Low level of technological development
b. high level of technological development
c. moderate level of technological development
d. None of these

Q.17 .Which subject is called Mother Discipline?
a. Geography
b. Economics
c. History
d. Political Science

Q.18 .Who is not a French geographer out of the following?
a. Blache
b. Bruches
c. Demanzia
d. Ritter

Q.19 Which of these scholars defined Human Geography as ‘the synthetic study of relationship between human societies and earth’s surface’?

a.Karl Marx


c. Ellen C Semple

d. Paul Vidal de la Blache

Q. 20 Name the school of thought of Human Geography that employed the Marxian theory.

a. Behavioural school of thought

b.Humanistic school of thought

c. Deterministic school of thought

d.Radical school of thought

Q.21 Which one of the following is not a source of geographical information?

a. Samples of rock materials from the moon

b. Old maps

c.Traveller’s account

4. Ancient Epics

Q.22 Which element is not a part of the physical environment?





Q.23 Which one of the following is the most important factor in the interaction between people and the environment?

a.Human brotherhood

b.People’s perception


d.Human intelligence

Q.24. Which one of the following is not an area of the sparse population?

a.Plar Regions

b.The Atacama

c.South-East Asia

d.Equatorial Region

Q.25 Which one of the following is not a fact?

a. Population growth is high in the first stage of demographic transition.

b.Human population increased more than ten times during the past 500 years.

c.It took 100 years for the population to rise from five billion to six billion.

d.Nearly 80 million people are added to the world population each year.

Q.26. One of these choices is not an approach to Human Geography:

a.Areal Differentiation

b.Regional Analysis

c.Quantitative Revolution

d.Spatial Organization

Q.27 Name the Tri – Equilibrium factors of human geography

a. Biotic

b. Abiotic

c. All of these

d. Cultural factors

Q.28 . Who proposed the concept of  Indeterminism?

a. Ritter

b. Griffith Taylor

c. Huntington

d. Blache

Q.29 . Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography?

a. Spatial organization

b. Areal Differentiation

c. Exploration and Description

d. Quantitative revolution

Q.30. Which country ranks first in the world in Human Development Index?

a. Iceland

b. Norway

c. Australia


Q.31 What is the score of the high development index?

a. Above 0.6

b. Above 0.7

c. Above 0.8

d. Above 0.9

Q.32. Welfare or humanistic school of thought in human geography was mainly concerned with:

a. the different aspects of social well-being of the people

b.the basic cause of poverty,deprivation and social inequality

c.the perception of space by social categories based on ethnicity, race, religion, etc.

d.All of these

Q.33 Which one of the following statements does not describe Geography?

a. Study of the inter-relationship between humans and environment

b.An integrative discipline

c.Subjected to dualism

d.Not relevant in the present time due to development of technology

Q.34 This type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as
a. Environmental determinism
b. Possibilism
c. Nomothetic
d.None of the above

Q.35 Which of the following is not a field of human geography?

a. Urban geography

b. Population geography

c. Economic geography

d. Rural geography

Q.36 Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography

a. Areal differentiation

b. Spatial organization

c. Quantitative revolution

d. Exploration and description

Q.37 Which geographer out of the following belongs to France?

a. Huntigton

b.Vidal de la Blache

c. Semple


Q.38 Which country ranks first in the world in Human Development Index?

a. Iceland

b. Norway

c. Australia

d. Canada

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