Digital Well being Important Certifications , Quiz and Activities

Digital Well being Certification , Quiz and Activities

Digital Well being Certification , Quiz and Activities – Here you will find a lot of interesting activities related to cyber crime digital well being and digital detoxification. For Notes on these topics Click Here

Table of Content

Activity 1. Practical tips to help dealing with fake account issue

इसके लिए नीचे दिए गए link को click कीजिए या code scan

Link –

Students will make a poster in word and speak a few lines in class after reading the points from the above site.

Activity 2 : Cyber bullying के बारे में अधिक जा नने के लिए QR कोड स्कैन करें:

Students to prepare a skit in groups and present in class

Activity 3 – Take a Quiz on Cyber bullying and get a certificate.

Link :

or QR कोड स्कैन करें

Activity 4 – Take a Quiz on Cyber Ethics and get a certificate.

Click on the link :

Or scan QR code

Activity 5 – Do the digital detoxification course from Diksha training on online safety protocol and cyber security and download the certificate.

Link –

Students to write slogan on Digital detoxification and present in clam.

Activity 6 – Tips for Digital Detox

Click on link :
or scan QR Code

Student to write slogan on Digital Detoxification and present in class.

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